Tuesday, October 25, 2011

I'm Alive, Everybody Celebrate!!!!

Well, I'm back. Most of you all presumed I was dead or eaten by oversized hamsters, but no, I am still alive. The reasons for my disappearance are top secret. However I can tell you that it involved much pain and suffering, very small sides of pork, pickled piranha, a dastardly daisy, Harley Davidson knives and Phineas and Ferb. I apologize for my vanishing, it was at times unnecessary, but mostly it was very much needed. Anywho, on a happier note, I turned 16 today!!! The thing that I find the most awesome about being 16, is that I can ride in the back seat of a car...unbuckled....legally!!!!! I've been waiting for the day I could do that since, well, the day I found out I could a year ago on a trip to Canada!!! Anyway....For my birthday today, I plan to go out with my loverly parents for dinner, go birthday shopping at Footlocker, and well, do all the homework that I need to get done before tomorrow. Well, that is what happens when you are born in the middle of the school year. Oh well, I must depart now, and go back to my homework. I now bid you farewell and a happy birthday to me!!!


  1. Actually, isn't it illegal to ride unbuckled at any age in Michigan? I'm prety sure they'll give the driver of the car a $60.

  2. hahaha, yeah, and plus none of us want you dead, cullen, so you should just wear your seat belt... seriously, if you die in a car crash cause you didn't have your stupid belt on, i'm not coming to your funeral... oh and happy birthday :D we were going to call you yesterday and sing happy birthday over the phone but we never got around to it, sorry :)

  3. Baron: I was told it was legal! If not, then I am going to be so dissapointed!!!!

    Marie: Thank you for the "Happy Birthday," and the kind "we do not want you dead." statement. I feel loved!
