Monday, May 9, 2011

Welcome To My World

Come one, come all!!! See The Delusional Man show!!! Okay, well I am a dude who likes to live in my own world where everything revolves around me! Okay the title of this blog sounds like a freak show at a circus, but I like to think of the world as my stage and I am the main actor. Now you might think I am cocky and blah, blah, blah, but yeah. This blog isn't going to be all about me, a lot about me, but not all about me. The reason I picked "The Delusional Man" for my blog title is because my oh so sweet mother says I am delusional in the way the real world is. She says I see things with a narrow, all about me scope. Now while I do care about people other than me, certain people more than me, I just might be a too caught up with me. I'm trying to tone that down but it's kinda hard, so bear with me. I am a very confident fellow, sarcastic and a lot of fun! I try to be humorous and funny. I'll try and make you laugh, sometimes you won't get my humor, but as I said before, bear with me. So welcome to my blog and I hope you will enjoy the show. I present to you "The Delusional Man!" (me)


  1. I hope I enjoy the show too. But I have one question, when does the show start? I've been waiting and waiting for that blasted red curtain to open for 30 minutes now!

  2. Hold your 'ippos!!!! The show will start hopefully today or tomorrow when I get my new post up!!!
